Crazy Smart & Ruthless by Tony Bulmer
Crazy Smart & Ruthless by Tony Bulmer This mystery meet cute quickly develops into a high-wire dramedy, when spoiled L.A. socialite Shri...
The Smart woman
Complete at 80k Released soon The Smart woman by Tony Bulmer Emergency room surgeon Dr. Marcus Brooks has come a long way. A journey that...
The Frenchie by Tony Bulmer
The Frenchie By Tony Bulmer Meet Benny Ragazzo, Marine vet and sometime Vegas hoodlum. who is chilling in the ocean side enclave known as...
Beyond The Edge of Paradise
Beyond The Edge of Paradise Driven to avenge the murder of her Colombian mother, by an infamous Cartel, hot-shot American lawyer, Sayona...
South of Sunset by Tony Bulmer
I am very excited to be able to bring you my neo-noir crime thriller South of Sunset a book that incorporates all my favorite themes:...
The Legendary Bradbury Building
Downtown Los Angeles—just down the street from City Hall, the legendary L.A. landmark that appears on the badge of the Los Angeles Police...
Tony Bulmer visits Scotland Yard
As some of you might know, My son works for the Metropolitan Police in London, but contrary to what you might have heard, the police...
Sherlock Holmes, It’s amazing!
On the way back to California I had to drop off in London for a pint. Readers might know I lived in London for many years, and will...
Vatnajökull, Iceland
With an area of 7,900 km², Vatnajökull is the largest ice cap in Europe The average thickness of the ice is 380 m (1,250 ft), with a...
Reykjavik observatory, Iceland
Iceland is maybe not for everyone, especially in winter. But if you like wild beauty you will never be disappointed here at any time of...